Our Themes
Next Generation Supply Chains
Platforms or applications that significantly improve how logistics, transportation, and distribution networks are operated and managed.
Advanced Materials
Platforms or products that make it possible to research, invent, and create new types of materials at scale. We are especially interested in the conversion of large quantities of waste of different types into new materials, or the reduction of waste in processes that occur at scale.
Advanced Manufacturing
Platforms or applications that make it possible to integrate advances in software engineering into traditional manufacturing processes.
Data & AI
Platforms or applications that help people or other machines to manage, analyze, interpret, make decisions, and take actions based on vast and growing amounts of centralized or decentralized data from disparate sources. Such platforms or products enable large numbers of different types of connected devices, machines, apps, and websites to communicate with one another seamlessly, and with the people managing or using them, within a secure environment.
What most likely DOES NOT fit our investment thesis?
Startups creating a new brand to market, manufacture, and distribute a line of goods or products. Any product that does not also have a unique moat around any of our themes.