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Half a Dozen Rules for Investing in Early-Stage Supply Chain Technology
The team at REFASHIOND Ventures shares 6 rules that investors in early-stage supply chain technology should observe based on their research and study of the area since 2015, and the firm’s investing activity since 2021, with 22 startups in the firm’s portfolio within the first 12 months of its first investment.
Why We Invested: Shipday
In this blog we explain why we decided to invest in Shipday, a startup that makes it easy for any merchant to create a delivery service by providing all the data and decision analytics infrastructure that is necessary for merchants of any size to set up scalable delivery operations without the need to know how to create the software needed to manage such a service.
Why We Invested: Stimulus
REFASHIOND Ventures announces its investment in Stimulus, a relationship management platform for sourcing and procurement teams at large companies.
Why We Invested: wearwell
REFASHIOND Ventures explains why it invested in wearwell, a sustainable fashion ecommerce startup.
The World Is A Supply Chain™
Brian Laung Aoaeh and Lisa Morales-Hellebo discuss how they are thinking about supply chain, innovation, technology, entrepreneurship, and early-stage venture capital as they build REFASHIOND Ventures and The Worldwide Supply Chain Federation.
#UnderConstruction | #TNYSCM15: Supply Chain Tech — From The World To NYC
For the month of June, The New York Supply Chain Meetup aka The Worldwide Supply Chain Federation is thinking of hosting a “Supply Chain Tech – From The World To NYC” themed event.
The Fashion Supply Chain Is Broken
Authors’ Note: This is the first in a series of six articles about problems and opportunities in global supply chains, with a focus on the fashion industry. This article frames the problem. The next article will delve into a historical analyses of technological disruption, from the perspective of risks and uncertainties for the fashion industry.
Executive Summary: Recent trends present incumbent companies in the global fashion industry with challenges and opportunities related to innovation in supply chain. In this article, we discuss how a historical top-down approach to business is giving way to an emerging bottom-up approach that is driven by consumer preferences. This is placing stresses on fashion supply chains which the industry can only address by adopting a collective, collaborative, ecosystem-driven approach to innovation.
The fashion supply chain is broken and must be refashioned. This is the conclusion we have come to after studying the issue, starting in 2014.