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REFASHIOND Ventures' State of Supply Chain 2022 / Year in Review

Why We Invested: Gildform
The team at REFASHIOND Ventures explains why they invested in Gildform, a commerce-enablement platform that helps jewelry creators, big or small, go from jewelry concept to fulfillment in a tenth of the time it takes using traditional methods.

Why We Invested: Wisy Platforms
The team at REFASHIOND ventures explains why the fund invested in Wisy Platforms, a startup solving the inventory distortion problem in global CPG Retail supply chains.

Why We Invested: TrueToForm
The team at REFASHIOND Ventures explains why the firm invested in TrueToForm, a startup that is developing a product management platform with two primary components: First, a simple and easy to use customer facing image and object attribute capture mobile application, and; Second, a proprietary backend data management platform.