Defining Your Business Model
What Is Your Business Model? (Series Compilation) – I wrote this some time ago. I tried to distil business model generation into a few pages.
A New Way to Look at Competitors – Steve Blank explains a new approach to explaining your startup’s competitive position. It abandons the X/Y graph in favor of a Petal Diagram.
Business Model Generation – the best book on developing and understanding business models that I have come across. You can get a free preview. I use the business model canvas to understand every startup I decide to research in any amount of detail. I also use the business model canvas as a first step in seeking areas of business model risk. Note: The website did not load when I tried it while writing this article. If the website does not load for you as well the free preview of the book is also available on slideshare and scribd.
26 Resources To Help You Master Customer Development Interviews – Customer Development is a key aspect of the search for a profitable, repeatable and scalable business model. This collection of resources has been compiled by the folks at KISSmetrics.
Lean Canvas – The business model canvas adapted for lean startups. There’s a free plan. Take advantage of it.
Running A Lean Startup – The Lean Startup is transforming how startups are built and run. There may be a #leanstartup movement in a city near you. If not, start one. While you are doing that you should read Not Every Startup Should be a Lean Startup or Embrace the Pivot by Marc Andreessen.
Startup Secrets – Michael J. Skok of North Bridge Venture Partners. He also teaches at Harvard’s innovation lab.
Collective Action and Social Change – Frog Design’s Collective Action Toolkit is targeted at non-profits and social change organizations. The toolkit is free.